What is the message inherent in the staff of Moshe becoming a snake in last week's Reading? It matters greatly in this week's study.
If we look at the end of this week's selection of the Midrash Tanhuma, it explains that the staff that was a snake, and will again be a snake, is a symbol for Moshe to understand that Pharoah is as crooked as a snake
Then the opening to the midrash makes more sense. The teaching empowers us to understand what it truly means to be in the company of God. If you were truly appreciative of the magnitude of God, you would never leave your amidah prayer.
מדרש תנחומא (ורשא) פרשת וארא סימן דIf we look at the end of this week's selection of the Midrash Tanhuma, it explains that the staff that was a snake, and will again be a snake, is a symbol for Moshe to understand that Pharoah is as crooked as a snake
Then the opening to the midrash makes more sense. The teaching empowers us to understand what it truly means to be in the company of God. If you were truly appreciative of the magnitude of God, you would never leave your amidah prayer.
(שמות ז:ט) "כִּי יְדַבֵּר אֲלֵכֶם פַּרְעֹה לֵאמֹר תְּנוּ לָכֶם מוֹפֵת וְאָמַרְתָּ אֶל אַהֲרֹן קַח אֶת מַטְּךָ וְהַשְׁלֵךְ לִפְנֵי פַרְעֹה יְהִי לְתַנִּין"
'When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying: Show a wonder for you; then thou shalt say unto Aaron: Take thy rod, and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it become a serpent.'
ילמדנו רבינו:
מי שעמד להתפלל ובא הנחש ונשכו מהו שיפסיק?
כך שנו רבותינו: העומד בתפלה אפילו המלך שואל בשלומו לא ישיבנו, אפילו נחש כרוך על עקבו לא יפסיק.
Our master should instruct:
If one stood to pray (the standing devotion) and a snake came and bit him, should he stop?
This is how our rabbis taught: One who is standing at prayer, even if the king should inquire of him he should not respond, even if a snake was coiled to strike his heel, he should not interrupt.
If one stood to pray (the standing devotion) and a snake came and bit him, should he stop?
This is how our rabbis taught: One who is standing at prayer, even if the king should inquire of him he should not respond, even if a snake was coiled to strike his heel, he should not interrupt.
מעשה ברבי חנינא בן דוסא שהיה עומד ומתפלל. בא ערוד ונשכו וברחו התלמידים.
אחר שעה באו ומצאו אותו ערוד מת מושלך על פי חורו.
אמרו "אוי לו לאדם שנשכו ערוד,אוי לערוד שפגע בו רבי חנינא בן דוסא"
It happened that Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa was praying. A wild mule came and bit him and his students fled. After a moment they came and saw the mule dead, laid out near its burrow. They said, woe unto the person bit by a wild mule, woe unto the wild mule who injures Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa.
אמר רבי יהושע בן פזי, דכתיב (ירמיהו מו:כב) "קוֹלָהּ כַּנָּחָשׁ יֵלֵךְ כִּי בְחַיִל יֵלֵכוּ וּבְקַרְדֻּמּוֹת בָּאוּ לָהּ כְּחֹטְבֵי עֵצִים"
מה הנחש מלחש והורג, אף מלכות מצרים מלחשת והורגת את האדם. הוא נתון בבית האסורין מלחש עליו והורגו.
And what did the rabbis hope to achieve by associating the folds of a snake with the kingdom of Egypt?
Said Rabbi Joshua ben Pazi, as it is written, "The sound thereof shall go like the serpent's; for they march with an army, and come against her with axes, as hewers of wood"
The snake slithers quietly and kills, so the kingdom of Egypt sneaks quietly and kills. Even one in jail is snuck up upon and killed.
Said Rabbi Joshua ben Pazi, as it is written, "The sound thereof shall go like the serpent's; for they march with an army, and come against her with axes, as hewers of wood"
The snake slithers quietly and kills, so the kingdom of Egypt sneaks quietly and kills. Even one in jail is snuck up upon and killed.
דבר אחר: מה ראו להקיש מלכות מצרים לנחש? מה הנחש הולך מעוקם, אף מלכות מצרים מעקמת דרכים. לפיכך אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא למשה, 'כשם שהנחש מעוקם כך פרעה הרשע מעוקם. וכשיבוא להתעקם, ואמרת אל אהרן 'קח את מטך' יתלה את המטה כנגדו'
Another idea: What did they see in associating the kingdom of Egypt to a snake? The snake is always crooked, so does the kingdom of Egypt make the roads crooked. Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moshe, just like a snake is crooked, so will Pharaoh be crooked. And when he comes to be crooked, you will say to Aaron, "take my staff" he will hold the staff in opposition.
כלומר מזה את לוקה. (ישעיהו מו:י) "מַגִּיד מֵרֵאשִׁית אַחֲרִית וּמִקֶּדֶם אֲשֶׁר לֹא נַעֲשׂוּ אֹמֵר עֲצָתִי תָקוּם וְכָל חֶפְצִי אֶעֱשֶׂה"
עד שמשה בסנה הראה לו הקדוש ברוך הוא האיך פרעה עתיד להתעקם. לפיכך עשה מקלו נחש. כלומר, שפרעה הרשע כשם שהנחש מעוקם כך פרעה יתעקם.
That is to say, with this you will be struck. " Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done; saying: 'My counsel shall stand, and all My pleasure will I do'"
Until Moshe was shown at the burning bush by the Holy One, blessed be He, how Pharaoh was going to be crooked. Therefore He made his staff from the snake. That is, just like the snake is crooked, so is pharaoh.
אין תגובות:
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