My Musing
Tzedaka often mistranslated as charity is not something that is done voluntarily, rather it is an obligation, hence it is referred to as a mitzvah, a commandment. Charity, from the Greek ‘caritas’ means love and understanding of our fellow man. From that love is to evolve a sense of helping. But what happens when that love stops or wanes? Do we stop giving? Tzedakah which comes from the Hebrew “tzedek” justice means that we cannot stop nor shirk our responsibility even if we do not love or understand the other person.
מדרש תנחומא (ורשא) פרשת בהר סימן בTzedaka often mistranslated as charity is not something that is done voluntarily, rather it is an obligation, hence it is referred to as a mitzvah, a commandment. Charity, from the Greek ‘caritas’ means love and understanding of our fellow man. From that love is to evolve a sense of helping. But what happens when that love stops or wanes? Do we stop giving? Tzedakah which comes from the Hebrew “tzedek” justice means that we cannot stop nor shirk our responsibility even if we do not love or understand the other person.
(ויקרא כה:כה) "כִּי יָמוּךְ אָחִיךָ וּמָכַר מֵאֲחֻזָּתוֹ וּבָא גֹאֲלוֹ הַקָּרֹב אֵלָיו וְגָאַל אֵת מִמְכַּר אָחִיו"
If thy brother be waxen poor, and sell some of his land possession, then shall his kinsman that is next unto him come, and shall redeem that which his brother hath sold.
(ויקרא כה:לה) "וְכִי יָמוּךְ אָחִיךָ וּמָטָה יָדוֹ עִמָּךְ וְהֶחֱזַקְתָּ בּוֹ גֵּר וְתוֹשָׁב וָחַי עִמָּךְ"
And if thy brother be waxen poor, and his means fail with thee; then thou shalt uphold him: as a stranger and a settler shall he live with thee.
זה שאמר הכתוב (משלי כב:כב- כג) "אַל תִּגְזָל דָּל כִּי דַל הוּא וְאַל תְּדַכֵּא עָנִי בַשָּׁעַר. כִּי יְדֹוָד יָרִיב רִיבָם וְקָבַע אֶת קֹבְעֵיהֶם נָפֶשׁ"
This is what the Scripture said, "Rob not the poor, because he is poor, neither crush the poor in the gate; For the LORD will plead their cause, and despoil of life those that despoil them."
אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא,'"אַל תִּגְזָל דָּל כִּי דַל הוּא", שאני עשיתי אותו דל. מי שהוא גוזל אותו או מלעיג עליו, 'חֵרֵף עֹשֵׂהוּ', כאלו עלי הוא מלעיג.' שנאמר, (משלי יד:לא) "עֹשֵׁק דָּל חֵרֵף עֹשֵׂהוּ וּמְכַבְּדוֹ חֹנֵן אֶבְיוֹן"
Said the Holy One, blessed be He, "Rob not the poor, because he is poor", that I made him poor. And who so ever robs him or impugns him," blasphemes his Maker" it is as if he insults Me. As it says, "He that oppresses the poor blasphemes his Maker; but he that is gracious unto the needy honors Him.
מהו "אַל תִּגְזָל דָּל"? וכי יש אדם גוזל דלים? ומה גוזל ממנו אחר שאין לו כל? אלא אם היית למוד להיות מפרנסו וחזרת בך. ואמרת, 'עד מתי אני מספיק לזה?' ואת מונע שלא ליתן לו. אם עשית כך דע שאתה גוזלו. הוי "אַל תִּגְזָל דָּל כִּי דַל הוּא" אלא הוי מפרנסו שאין לו מקום אחר.
What is ""Rob not the poor"? And is there a person who would steal from the poor? What does one steal from one who has nothing? Rather, if you had taught him to be his supporter and you reneged. And you said, until when will I supply him? And you undertake not to give him. If you did this, know that you stole from him. That is ""Rob not the poor, because he is poor" rather be supportive of him because he does not have any other source.
"וְאַל תְּדַכֵּא עָנִי בַשָּׁעַר", שלא בשבילך אעצור את השמים שאף השמים יש להם שער, שנאמר, (בראשית כח:יז) "וַיִּירָא וַיֹּאמַר מַה נּוֹרָא הַמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה אֵין זֶה כִּי אִם בֵּית אֱלֹקִים וְזֶה שַׁעַר הַשָּׁמָיִם""neither crush the poor in the gate;", that it was not because of you that I will stop the gates of the skies,for even the skies have a gate, as it says, " And he was awed, and said: 'How full of awe is this place! this is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.'
"כִּי יְדֹוָד יָרִיב רִיבָם" רב אני אתך ריבם, שאני עשיתיו עני ולך עשיר. אם הופך אני מנגנין שלו, ואעשה אותו עשיר ולך עני, שנאמר, (משלי כב:ב) "עָשִׁיר וָרָשׁ נִפְגָּשׁוּ עֹשֵׂה כֻלָּם יְדֹוָד"
למה? "כִּי יְדֹוָד יָרִיב רִיבָם". כל כך למה? שנפשו אתה מחסרו אם אין אתה מפרנסו, לפיכך וְקָבַע אֶת קֹבְעֵיהֶם נָפֶשׁ".
"For the LORD will plead their cause", I argue with you their cause, that I made him poor and you rich. If I reverse his fortune and I make him rich and you poor, as it says, "The rich and the poor meet together--the LORD is the maker of them all."
Why? "For the LORD will plead their cause"/ All this why? That his life force you cause him to lose if you did not support him, therefore " and despoil of life those that despoil them."
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