My Musing
“Walk a mile in a man’s moccasins”, is often the refrain about trying to understand a person’s plight before you act. This week’s midrash takes it further. Be understanding of someone who is in debt, because you are also in debt. You have a debt to pay to the Almighty and just as He is compassionate and does not collect daily, so you should be compassionate as well.
מדרש תנחומא (ורשא) פרשת משפטים סימן טז“Walk a mile in a man’s moccasins”, is often the refrain about trying to understand a person’s plight before you act. This week’s midrash takes it further. Be understanding of someone who is in debt, because you are also in debt. You have a debt to pay to the Almighty and just as He is compassionate and does not collect daily, so you should be compassionate as well.
(שמות כב:כה- כו) "אִם חָבֹל תַּחְבֹּל שַׂלְמַת רֵעֶךָ עַד בֹּא הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ תְּשִׁיבֶנּוּ לוֹ. כִּי הִוא <כסותה> כְסוּתוֹ לְבַדָּהּ הִוא שִׂמְלָתוֹ לְעֹרוֹ בַּמֶּה יִשְׁכָּב וְהָיָה כִּי יִצְעַק אֵלַי וְשָׁמַעְתִּי כִּי חַנּוּן אָנִי"
If thou at all take thy neighbour's garment to pledge, thou shalt restore it unto him by that the sun goeth down; for that is his only covering, it is his garment for his skin; wherein shall he sleep? and it shall come to pass, when he crieth unto Me, that I will hear; for I am gracious
“If thou at all take thy neighbour's garment to pledge” Said the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘How much are you obligated to me? You sin before me, and I wait for you, and your soul comes to me everyday. And every midnight the soul is judged and found guilty, but I return your soul to you that is owed to me. So you, even though he is obligated to you, “If thou at all take thy neighbour's garment to pledge” “hou shalt restore it unto him by that the sun goeth down”
"כִּי הִוא <כסותה> כְסוּתוֹ לְבַדָּהּ" אף אתה; דבר אחד יש לי אצלך, אם אין אתה מחזיר משכונו איני מחזיר לך את נפשך, לפיכך אם חבל תחבל.
"וְהָיָה כִּי יִצְעַק אֵלַי וְשָׁמַעְתִּי כִּי חַנּוּן אָנִי",שהוא קורא תגר לפני ואומר, 'רבון העולם, אני אדם והוא אדם. הוא שוכב על מטתו, ואני במה אשכב?' לפיכך, "וְשָׁמַעְתִּי כִּי חַנּוּן אָנִי"
“it is his garment for his skin; wherein shall he sleep” So with you. I have one thing by you, and if you do not return the collateral to him, I will not return your soul to you, therefore the words “Chavol Tachbol”
“and it shall come to pass, when he crieth unto Me, that I will hear; for I am gracious” That he calls a challenge to you before me and says, ‘Master of the Universe, I am a man and he is a man. He lies on his bed and I , what will I sleep with? Therefore, “for I am gracious”
Said the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘ In this world, I would hear the cries of the individuals, and in the future, “And it shall come to pass that, before they call, I will answer, and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” And the prophet says, “For, O people that dwellest in Zion at Jerusalem, thou shalt weep no more; He will surely be gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry, when He shall hear, He will answer thee.”
אין תגובות:
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