My Musing
The burden on Aaron was incomprehensible. His sons had died and he had to begin the service. And God makes it clear that the success of the whole enterprise rests on him.
Rabbi Yochanan bar Yudan from the Galilee opened “Doth the vulture mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high?”
Said the Holy One, blessed be He to Aaron,’ by the word of your mouth I would dwell upon the Ark or by the word of your mouth I would remove the Divine Presence from upon the ark.’ The first Temple, “She dwelleth and abideth on the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and the stronghold.” One resting and with the second Temple, “upon the crag of the rock, and the stronghold.”
And there they learned that when the ark was taken, there was a stone under it from the days of the first prophets and it was called Shtia- drinking. And why was it called Shtia? Said Rabbi Yossi bar Chalafta, ‘Because from it was drawn the water of the world’. And how was the prayer of the high priest composed on Yom Kippur? ‘May it be the will before you Lord our God and God of our fathers, that this coming year should be rainy, a year of inexpensive prices, a year of satiety, a year of pleasing will, a year of blessing, a year of faithful business, a year that your nation Israel will not require assistance one from another, and that one will not become powerful over another’
The rabbis of Caesarin said on our brothers in Caesarin that they should not rule over each other.
The rabbis of the south said on our brothers in the Sharon plain, that their houses should not become their graves.
“From thence she spieth out the prey; her eyes behold it afar off.” From there was the food for the whole year. “her eyes behold it afar off.” From Rosh Hashanah we would know what to expect. How? He would look at the smoke of the wood pile of the altar and if it would rise to the south, the south would be sated. If it would rise to the east he would know that the east would be sated. If it would rise to the north he would know that the north would be sated. If it would rise to the sky, he would know that the whole world will be sated. And after all the praise “Her young ones also suck up blood; and where the slain are, there is she.”
Rabbi Yudan in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi and Rabbi Berachia in the name of Rabbi Chiya bar Abba said, “approach, take up your brothers from the Holy” is not written here, rather from the face of the holy, as a person who says to his friend, take this deceased from in front of his father, since when his father will see him dead he will die, therefore it says acharei mot- after the death.
The burden on Aaron was incomprehensible. His sons had died and he had to begin the service. And God makes it clear that the success of the whole enterprise rests on him.
מדרש תנחומא (ורשא) פרשת אחרי מות סימן ג
ר' יוחנן בר יודן דמן גלילא פתח (איוב לט:כז) "אם על פיך יגביה נשר וכי ירים קנו"
אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא לאהרן, 'על מימר פומך הייתי משרה שכינתי על גבי הארון, או על מימר פומך הייתי מסלק שכינתי מעל גבי הארון.' מקדש ראשון (איוב לט:כח ) "סלע ישכן ויתלנן, על שן סלע, ומצודה" לינה אחת, במקדש שני "על שן סלע ומצודה"
Rabbi Yochanan bar Yudan from the Galilee opened “Doth the vulture mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high?”
Said the Holy One, blessed be He to Aaron,’ by the word of your mouth I would dwell upon the Ark or by the word of your mouth I would remove the Divine Presence from upon the ark.’ The first Temple, “She dwelleth and abideth on the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and the stronghold.” One resting and with the second Temple, “upon the crag of the rock, and the stronghold.”
ותמן תנינן משנטל הארון אבן היתה שם מימות נביאים הראשונים ושתיה היתה נקראת. ולמה נקראת שתיה? אמר רבי יוסי בר חלפתא, 'שממנה הושתת העולם'. וכיצד היתה תפלתו של כהן גדול ביום הכפורים, 'יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלוקינו ואלוקי אבותינו שתהא השנה הזאת דשונה גשומה טלולה, שנת זול, שנת שובע, שנת רצון, שנת ברכה, שנת משא ומתן באמונה, שנה שלא יצטרכו בה עמך ישראל אלו את אלו, שנה שלא יגביהו שררה אלו על אלו.'
ורבנן דקיסרין אמרין על אחינו שבקיסרין שלא יגביהו שררה אלו על אלו.
ורבנן דדרומא אמרין על אחינו שבשרון שלא יעשו בתיהם קבריהם.
And there they learned that when the ark was taken, there was a stone under it from the days of the first prophets and it was called Shtia- drinking. And why was it called Shtia? Said Rabbi Yossi bar Chalafta, ‘Because from it was drawn the water of the world’. And how was the prayer of the high priest composed on Yom Kippur? ‘May it be the will before you Lord our God and God of our fathers, that this coming year should be rainy, a year of inexpensive prices, a year of satiety, a year of pleasing will, a year of blessing, a year of faithful business, a year that your nation Israel will not require assistance one from another, and that one will not become powerful over another’
The rabbis of Caesarin said on our brothers in Caesarin that they should not rule over each other.
The rabbis of the south said on our brothers in the Sharon plain, that their houses should not become their graves.
(איוב לט:כט ) "משם חפר אכל למרחוק עיניו יביטו" משם היה מאכיל אוכל לכל ימות השנה, "למרחוק עיניו יביטו", מראש השנה היה יודע מה יהא בסוף. הא כיצד? כיון שהיה צופה ורואה עשן המערכה עולה לדרום היה יודע שבדרום שובע, עולה למזרח יודע שהמזרח שבע, עולה לצפון יודע שהצפון שבע. כלפי רקיע יודע שהעולם כולו שבע. ואחר כל השבח הזה (איוב לט:ל) "[ואפרחו] ואפרחיו יעלעו דם ובאשר חללים שם הוא" חמי אפרוחיו מגעגעין בדם ושתיק, אלא "ובאשר חללים שם הוא" השכינה.
“From thence she spieth out the prey; her eyes behold it afar off.” From there was the food for the whole year. “her eyes behold it afar off.” From Rosh Hashanah we would know what to expect. How? He would look at the smoke of the wood pile of the altar and if it would rise to the south, the south would be sated. If it would rise to the east he would know that the east would be sated. If it would rise to the north he would know that the north would be sated. If it would rise to the sky, he would know that the whole world will be sated. And after all the praise “Her young ones also suck up blood; and where the slain are, there is she.”
רבי יודן בשם ריהושע בן לוי ורבי ברכיה בשם רבי חייא בר אבא אמרו, קרבו שאו את אחיכם מאת הקדש אין כתיב כאן אלא מאת פני הקדש כאדם שאומר לחברו העבר המת הזה מלפני אביו עד מתי אביו יראה את בנו מת לפניו, לכך נאמר אחרי מות שני בני אהרן.
Rabbi Yudan in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi and Rabbi Berachia in the name of Rabbi Chiya bar Abba said, “approach, take up your brothers from the Holy” is not written here, rather from the face of the holy, as a person who says to his friend, take this deceased from in front of his father, since when his father will see him dead he will die, therefore it says acharei mot- after the death.
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